A rowdy handful as a puppy, the Airedale Terrier matures into a dignified, self-assured, courageous adult.
This athletic dog romps and plays hard. Without vigorous exercise and lots of personal interaction, he is easily bored and may become destructive as he seeks to entertain himself.
Mental stimulation (hunting, obedience, agility, playing games) is essential for this thinking breed. An Airedale's attitude toward strangers varies from enthusiastically friendly to sensibly polite, but even the friendly ones tend to be vigilant watchdogs. Some individuals are more protective than others.
Our Airedale Terrier figurine has been meticulously hand painted. It measures 4" 1/2 " x 2 " x 2 " (L x W x H). He proudly sports a silver colored chain necklace with a tag in the shape of a bone with the letters " K C " depicting its membership in our Kennel Club.