The natural tendencies of the Keeshond are such that no special training is usually needed for them to act as an alert watchdog. They rarely bite, however, and once a person is welcomed into the home, the keeshond will readily accept them.
The Keeshond is friendly by nature to both people and other dogs. Their demand for affection is high, and they prefer to be included with the family rather than be left outside on their own. Keeshonden both bark and "talk." The alert keeshond barks a warning that a stranger is near, but rarely are they nuisance barkers.
Our Keeshond figurine has been meticulously hand painted. It measures 4" 1/2 " x 2 " x 2 " (L x W x H). He proudly sports a silver colored chain necklace with a tag in the shape of a bone with the letters " K C " depicting its membership in our Kennel Club.